Evolved Software Solutions

Intuitive software platforms - extracting meaning from data, improving your business efficiencies.
We conduct in-depth needs and business analysis to ensure your company has the tools neccesary to increase efficiencies.

How will you improve your bottom line?

Software Platforms

Utilising the best of breed methodologies, businesses benefit from the combined wealth of knowledge from multiple businesses to create platforms that are superior to those developed in isolation.
Business that have unique needs specific to their business, can still have their platform customised as such.

Current projects include a Point of Sale platform for independant restaurants.

Big Data

Our analytics division will distill vast amounts of data into key insights and reports that provide real value. Using our platforms, the information is available in near realtime, wherever you have an internet connection.

Current projects include retail analytics for both retailers and manufacturers.

Free Utilities

Like free stuff?
Some applications have been developed to make life easier for individuals. To this end, we make these platforms available for free to individuals.
Whether you wish to compare the performance of your providend fund, or you need to view your chat backups, give the free platform a try.